6th International Glow Discharge Spectroscopy Symposium

2024 saw the Symposium returning to Liverpool, UK, to the same venue that held a successful meeting in 2016. Again, it was very successful, with the number of delegates being over 80, showing that the community is recovering from the effects of COVID-19.
There were two and a half days of oral and poster presentations, covering many aspects of Glow Discharge Spectroscopy. Topics covered included everything from fundamentals to instrumentation, and a full copy of all abstracts can be found by clicking here.
As well as the successful scientific content, the delegates enjoyed an evening being entertained in the famous Cavern Club, by the Cheshire band Footsteps. A good time was had by all, and thanks are due to MSI Ltd as they sponsored the meal at the event.

The Payling prize was awarded to Jaroslaw Lepczak for his interesting poster; details and a copy of the poster can be found at the relevant page of this site.
So far, the venue for 2026 has not been chosen, watch this site for more news!!