Travel Bursary

Edward Steers Memorial Award to Support Young Researchers Travel.

During his many years researching Glow Discharges, Professor Edward Steers attended many conferences and traveled to various sites to do his research. He was always very keen to develop young researchers and encourage them to enter the field of Glow Discharge. So the European Working Group for Glow Discharge Spectroscopy (EW-GDS) feels that it would be appropriate to give financial support to young researchers to help them to attend relevant conferences.

This support is available to anyone who is considered to be making a genuinely valuable contribution to a meeting, but preference will always be given to young applicants, aged 36 and under. Researchers based in Europe or elsewhere are equally eligible to apply for support to attend an international conference. Any applications will be assessed by a panel of members of the EW-GDS Steering Committee and support will be offered to the most relevant. This support can be used to cover registration fees, travel and accommodation up to a maximum of €1500. Naturally, this support can only be given if the presentation is accepted by the conference in question.
If you feel that you qualify for this support, then please send an email to the Chair of EW-GDS, currently Peter Robinson ( and include the following information:

  • Name of applicant
  • Date of birth of the applicant
  • Title of presentation
  • Is it oral or poster?
  • Author(s) of presentation
  • Affiliation of author(s)
  • Conference name, date and venue
  • Extended abstract of presentation