Edward Steers Memorial Award

There was a strong entry for the Edward Steers Memorial Award for Best Paper 2019, and the judging committee had a lot of work reading and evaluating all the entries. But the winner was chosen to be a paper by Karsten Richter et al, and here is a picture of Karsten holding the certificate recognising the achievement. Of course, we would have liked to see some or all of the co-authors in the picture, but the Coronavirus makes this impossible at this time.

The details of the publication are:

  • Surface Film Formation and Dissolution in Si/C Anodes of Li-Ion Batteries: A Glow Discharge Optical Emission Spectroscopy Depth Profiling Study
  • Karsten Richter, Thomas Waldmann, Michael Kasper, Claudia Pfeifer, Michaela Memm, Peter Axmann, and Margret Wohlfahrt-Mehrens
  • J Phys Chem C, 2019, 123, 18795 – 18803

Congratulations to Karsten et al and we look forward to seeing more good work from you in the future.