Provisional registration for the 5th International Glow Discharge Spectroscopy Symposium (now IGDSS2022) is now open. You can register by filling in your details on the form below and submitting them. Alternatively, you can download a registration form by clicking here, filling in your details, and emailing it to Peter Robinson.
Please remember that you will need to register again, even if you were registered for the postponed event. If you have previously registered for the symposium and paid your registration fees before we had to postpone, then we will acknowledge your new registration and confirm that no further payment is required. If you have not previously registered, or have registered but not paid the fees, then we will again acknowledge the registration, but you will not receive an invoice for the fees until nearer the time when we can be more certain that the virus will not cause further postponements. Of course, if you require an invoice now for budgetary reasons then we will issue one.
Standard registration fee is €300 Euros (£270 GBP or $360 USD). For students and Early Stage Researchers (not post-doc), the fee is €150 Euros (£135 GBP or $180 USD).
You are invited to submit presentations, either Oral or Poster. Please indicate on your registration the number that you hope to enter. If you already know the titles then please email these separately to Peter Robinson. The deadline for titles is 30th January 2022, but it would help to know these earlier. The deadline for abstracts will be 28th February 2022. Note that any students or Early Stage Researchers who have an oral presentation accepted will have their registration fee further reduced by 50% to €75.
The previous symposia have been very well attended, so if you feel that you will attend but cannot commit at the moment, then email Peter Robinson and your name will be added to a priority waiting list.
After the disruption caused by COVID19 we are very keen to re-establish the success of this event. And we need your involvement to achieve this, so we hope to hear from you soon.