News from Instrument Manufacturers
Before the Covid-19 pandemic, the European Working Group for GDS was preparing to host the 5th International Glow Discharge Spectroscopy Symposium in Oviedo, Spain. The dates of 27-19 April 2020 were fixed the venue reserved. We had already received abstracts for 25 oral presentations and 21 posters, so we were looking forward to a very successful meeting. But then Coronavirus appeared and all was postponed.
As always, the symposium was being very generously sponsored by the instrument manufacturers, and they have not asked for the sponsorship to be returned, rather that we should hold on to it and use it when the symposium finally takes place (watch this space, it will happen!!). Of course, the manufacturers would have been attending the symposium and giving talks or posters to highlight any recent developments on their instruments, so we at EW-GDS felt that it would be only fair to post some links on this site so that you can be made aware of these developments.
So if any manufacturer wishes to take advantage of this then they should write to Pete Robinson ( with any text and/or links that they would like to add to the site. Entries will appear below; they are in no particular order and EW-GDS cannot in any way verify the content.
We look forward to a time when travel restrictions are lifted and we can all attend our symposium or other meetings without risk.
Thermo Scientific
Thermo Scientific have announced a method for the analysis of Gallium on the GD Element;
Gallium: the challenging element is now easy to analyze
Glow Discharge mass spectrometry is routinely used for direct elemental analysis of high purity materials. Challenges arise for metals with melting points at room temperature, as the glow discharge ionization source uses to operate at much higher temperatures. One such challenging elements is gallium.
The Thermo Scientific Element GD Plus GD-MS equipped with a dedicated Gallium Kit delivers the ideal workflow for routine industrial quality control analysis of high purity gallium.
The Gallium Kit comes with a hot plate for melting samples, PTFE moulds for preparation of sample buttons, deep freezer box for solidification of sample buttons down to -50°C, desiccator for sample storage and accessories such as pipette and tips, gloves, tweezer and sample beakers.
There is no need to apply liquid nitrogen for cryogenic cooling, improving the handling and increasing the speed of analysis. Together with new software features and the high mass resolution capabilities, the Element GD Plus GD-MS equipped with the Gallium Kit offers easy, clean, fast and reliable analysis of gallium.
Click Here to learn more
HORIBA Scientific
The Global Web site for HORIBA Scientific is changing. For information on GD Products please click here
HORIBA Scientific
A special issue of “Coatings” on Thin and Thick Films is in preparation. Patrick Chapon will be guest editor together with Ken Shimizu, Pavel Bulkin, Fuhe Li and Jiang Wang. The call for papers has started and you are welcome to click here to look at the announcement and submit papers